Folate part 2: MTHFR and genetic testing

The last post about folate deficiency got me thinking. Absolute absence of folic acid is a risk for non-response to antidepressants, but suppose you have adequate intake of folic acid. Is that good enough? In most cases, yes. In some cases, no. Lets look at some chemistry so you have a better understanding of why . . . → Read More: Folate part 2: MTHFR and genetic testing

Is Vitamin B Deficiency A Risk In A Gluten Free Diet?

Awareness of the impact on Celiac disease and gluten intolerance has grown in recent years. In these patients, ingestion of gluten (a protein prevelant in wheat products, but in other grains as well) causes damage to the lining of the intestine as the body treats it like any other allergen. For those of you who . . . → Read More: Is Vitamin B Deficiency A Risk In A Gluten Free Diet?