By doctordan, on November 11th, 2012% I came across a journal article lately that highlights an area of great concern for me and for others in the mental health world. A research paper published in the August edition of the Archives of General Psychiatry (a dense and difficult to read tome), identified a massive increase in the use of antipsychotic mood . . . → Read More: The Quick Rush To Medicate
By doctordan, on April 15th, 2012% I fielded a call from a patient, complaining that I wrote XL instead of SR after my prescription for Wellbutrin. My bad. She is on the SR and not the XL. A quick call to the pharmacy and the problem was solved. But, was it a problem in the first place? For a small minority . . . → Read More: Don’t Be Fooled By The Packaging . . . Or The Marketing!!!
By doctordan, on February 25th, 2012% I am encouraging you to go to Philmont Guidance Center’s Facebook page and listen to a 6-minute video I uploaded there. Get past the boring talking head thing (psychiatrists tend to be a bit dry sometimes) and LISTEN to what he is saying and THINK about what this will mean if the trend is generalized . . . → Read More: Advocating For Access To Mental Health Care . . . It Is Time For Us To Stand Up For What Is Right
By doctordan, on October 23rd, 2011% As most of you ADHD kids/moms/dads know by now, there is a shortage of Adderall products in the United States. It has simmered all summer . . . only to hit the big time now that school is in full swing (great timing, big pharma!!). It has created havoc across the area and quadrupled the calls to the already full in-box on my voice mail. Everybody is blaming everyone else . . . . . . → Read More: The Shortage Of Adderall . . . and the scramble for solutions
By doctordan, on January 17th, 2011% I have a question for you pertaining to Vyvanse and ADHD in general. I’m 23 years old and currently living in Fresno, CA, and have been diagnosed by a couple psychiatrists here and elsewhere with ADHD. One prescribed me Provigil, which seems to work alright, but also gives me bad anxiety at the doses I . . . → Read More: Adderall vs. Vyvanse and Dealing With a Difficult Doc
By doctordan, on June 12th, 2010% Whenever a new medication or new technology hits the market, there is always a learning curve for both the public and for practicing physicians. Tempering the excitement about receiving/delivering help with a dose of skepticism is healthy. It keeps the public and physicians from being bamboozled by snake oil salesmen. That is the whole idea . . . → Read More: Paddling Upstream . . . Figuring Out The Role Of TMS In The Treatment Of Major Depression
By doctordan, on January 24th, 2009% Kurt writes in with a very common question:
I was prescribed 70mg Vyvanse for debilitating chronic fatigue. The 70mg was totally ineffective. At 6′2″, 220 pounds, I think the dosage was too small. My psychiatrist will not increase the dosage. I self-titrated and found that 210mg will get me through the working day but I’m . . . → Read More: Prescribing Outside The Box
By doctordan, on September 1st, 2008% This letter brings up an important question about Lamictal . . .
I’m a 45 y/o female properly diagnosed and treated as bipolar for 1 & 1/2 years. Prior to this diagnosis, I was treated soley for depression for 10 years (the last 5 as refractory.) I am presently doing GREAT on Lamictal 200mg daily . . . → Read More: Rash from Lamictal . . . do you have to stop it?
By doctordan, on August 26th, 2008% I received this question from a concerned consumer last week . . .
A week ago I was prescribed gabapentin, an anti-epileptic drug, for the off-label use of social anxiety and “affective mood disorder.” I have been concerned about this ever since I began my research on it a few days ago. Most of what . . . → Read More: Neurontin as a first line agent . . . I Don't Think So!
By doctordan, on July 22nd, 2008% In our striving to provide our patients with the latest, the greatest and the newest treatments for one condition or another, many psychiatrists go out on a limb to try new things. Some of us go wwwwaaaaaayyyyy out on a limb. There are two sides to this, of course. You don’t want a shrink who . . . → Read More: When is Lamictal Good for Regular Old Depression?
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This Website for Daniel G. Hartman, MD and its contents, are prepared for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, nor is it intended to create or be part of a physician-patient relationship. The information on this Website is not intended to be a substitute for a visit or consultation with a qualified healthcare provider. All medical information
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