Paddling Upstream . . . Figuring Out The Role Of TMS In The Treatment Of Major Depression

Whenever a new medication or new technology hits the market, there is always a learning curve for both the public and for practicing physicians. Tempering the excitement about receiving/delivering help with a dose of skepticism is healthy. It keeps the public and physicians from being bamboozled by snake oil salesmen. That is the whole idea . . . → Read More: Paddling Upstream . . . Figuring Out The Role Of TMS In The Treatment Of Major Depression

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road . . .

I want to pass along a thank-you to all who have written in recently on the use of nutrition and life-style changes to address psychiatric issues (esp depression/anxiety/anger). I find myself a bit overwhelmed with the volume of information that is available out there. My intent is to critically look at as much of this . . . → Read More: Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road . . .