Getting Better: Choosing a Greater Happiness

The last few mornings I have been reading and meditating on the following passage from a book entitled The Still Point Dhammapada:

“By giving up a lesser happiness one may gain a much greater one. Let the wise give up the lesser to attain the greater.”

As I sat, repeating that passage to myself . . . . → Read More: Getting Better: Choosing a Greater Happiness

Adjusting Medicine Over The Summer Part I–Antidepressants

A common question as we head into the summer months is what to do about medications. Most parents (and some kids) are very reluctant to change medications over the school year since a return of symptoms covered by the medicine can be very, very disruptive. Summertime is the logical time to consider some changes. Antidepressants . . . → Read More: Adjusting Medicine Over The Summer Part I–Antidepressants

Advocating For Access To Mental Health Care . . . It Is Time For Us To Stand Up For What Is Right

I am encouraging you to go to Philmont Guidance Center’s Facebook page and listen to a 6-minute video I uploaded there. Get past the boring talking head thing (psychiatrists tend to be a bit dry sometimes) and LISTEN to what he is saying and THINK about what this will mean if the trend is generalized . . . → Read More: Advocating For Access To Mental Health Care . . . It Is Time For Us To Stand Up For What Is Right

In Sickness and In Health . . . Lessons Learned From My Patients

Gabrielle Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly have made a few appearances lately, telling their story of bravery and determination following the horrific shooting in January that left Giffords near death. Giffords’ has made a near miraculous recovery, due in large part to a hefty dose of luck, and the determination of those around her, . . . → Read More: In Sickness and In Health . . . Lessons Learned From My Patients

Obsessive Ruminations Embedded In A Mood Disorder

Sharon writes in . . .

My son has just started Seroquel XR for bipolar depression. However, he is suffering with repetitive thoughts, for example he recently was emptying a bag of trash that contained old light bulbs and in carrying it outside he lifted it over an ottoman in his living room, that was . . . → Read More: Obsessive Ruminations Embedded In A Mood Disorder