By doctordan, on June 12th, 2018% I start every morning with the morning paper. I have graduated from actual paper to a tablet, but still read it as a ‘replica’, meaning that I still get that “turn the page” sort of feel. Guess I am a bit old fashioned that way. I periodically think of this habit as a waste of . . . → Read More: Add To The List Of School Supplies–Hyfin Vents In Case I Get Shot
By doctordan, on June 23rd, 2013% A common question as we head into the summer months is what to do about medications. Most parents (and some kids) are very reluctant to change medications over the school year since a return of symptoms covered by the medicine can be very, very disruptive. Summertime is the logical time to consider some changes. Antidepressants . . . → Read More: Adjusting Medicine Over The Summer Part I–Antidepressants
By doctordan, on November 11th, 2012% I came across a journal article lately that highlights an area of great concern for me and for others in the mental health world. A research paper published in the August edition of the Archives of General Psychiatry (a dense and difficult to read tome), identified a massive increase in the use of antipsychotic mood . . . → Read More: The Quick Rush To Medicate
By doctordan, on March 31st, 2012% I was working a health fair last weekend. Standing there at my table with my big ol’ sign behind me announcing myself as a “Partner in the Pursuit of Emotional Wellness” was interesting to say the least. Being a shrink is an odd job. I am more used to talking to people about their deepest . . . → Read More: “So What Does It Mean To Be Emotionally Well?”
By doctordan, on June 6th, 2010% Getting started on medicine is a relatively easy decision. When folks come in to see me, things are not going well. Be it depression or anxiety or an out of control kid who is going to fail third grade, they want help . . . like NOW. I will be the first to admit that . . . → Read More: Patience . . . Patients . . . Stay On Your Medicine Till You Talk To Your Doctor . . . PLEASE!!!
By doctordan, on March 27th, 2010% I got an email from the Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation recently letting me know that the committee that is looking at revamping the DSM criteria for the next edition is looking at adding a diagnostic category called “Temper Dysregulation Disorder with Dysphoria (TDD). The purpose of the email was to dispel the rumors that . . . → Read More: DSM-V: Reshuffling The Bipolar Criteria And The Emergence Of A New Disorder
By doctordan, on March 15th, 2009% I’m depressed and I’ve had to work really hard at even getting my wife to acknowledge my condition. It has got better but yesterday we went to visit my aunty and uncle in the country. he has had long-term depression like me and it just amazed me how open they were in their house about . . . → Read More: Stop Whining About Your Wife and Start Getting Your Life Back
By doctordan, on September 14th, 2008% My daughter’s father has recently (within the last week)begun taking an antidepressant for depression. He and I had been getting along well with no fights or hostility depsite some disagreements during this time. We are divorced but are friends and are able to attend family functions and cooperate as to our child 95% of the . . . → Read More: A duty to listen . . . you don't violate confidentiality if you keep your mouth shut
By doctordan, on August 29th, 2008% James writes in to say . . .
I started having panic attacks and was very unsociable and kept to myself,all this started about 10 years ago. The doctors diagnosed me as bipolor,i’ve been on every med available for bipolar with no positive results. Last december my doc decided to try me on 20 mg . . . → Read More: Vyvanse was helping depression . . . now . . . aggravating mania?
By doctordan, on October 23rd, 2007% When well meaning advocates for kids with mental health issues speak of “labeling” a kid . . . one of the “labels” that they talk about is Oppositional Defiant Disorder, aka ODD. This is an issue that goes way back to when the disorder was first characterized and diagnostic criteria were formalized. The criteria for . . . → Read More: Oppositional Defiant Disorder
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This Website for Daniel G. Hartman, MD and its contents, are prepared for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, nor is it intended to create or be part of a physician-patient relationship. The information on this Website is not intended to be a substitute for a visit or consultation with a qualified healthcare provider. All medical information
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