Patience . . . Patients . . . Stay On Your Medicine Till You Talk To Your Doctor . . . PLEASE!!!

Getting started on medicine is a relatively easy decision. When folks come in to see me, things are not going well. Be it depression or anxiety or an out of control kid who is going to fail third grade, they want help . . . like NOW. I will be the first to admit that . . . → Read More: Patience . . . Patients . . . Stay On Your Medicine Till You Talk To Your Doctor . . . PLEASE!!!

What is Causing What? . . . Multiple Factors Contributing To A New Mom's Woes

I am a 27-year-old female with an extensive psychiatric history. I have been on almost every type of medication except tricyclics and stimulants. I am diagnosed with Bipolar I and Borderline Personality Disorder. Currently, I am seeing a new psychiatrist who is “pill-happy”. I feel like she doesn’t listen to me. Right now I am . . . → Read More: What is Causing What? . . . Multiple Factors Contributing To A New Mom's Woes

Managing Bipolar During HepC Treatment Without Losing Your Liver

I have been on Interferon/Ribovarin (HepC TX) and also have Chronic Fatigue Sydrome separate from HepC. I have been on TX for 6 mos now and the depression is TRULY starting to come through. MY CONCERN is that I am 10 months drug/alcohol free, menopausal & bipolar. I have NOT taken anti-depressants since 2006 because . . . → Read More: Managing Bipolar During HepC Treatment Without Losing Your Liver

Managing the munchies–a typical problem with the atypicals

Are there people out there who have been on Abilify for awhile (3 months to several years) who continue to have an increased appetite from it? Or does this side effect eventually stabilize and no longer be a part of daily life?

I am trying to be patient with being on Abilify b/c I think . . . → Read More: Managing the munchies–a typical problem with the atypicals

Lamictal and acne

Red writes in with a common complaint about Lamictal . . .

I’m a 29 y/o female. I started Lamictal July of 07 (150mgs) and since then I have developed horrible acne along my jawline that takes weeks to clear up and new pimples develop every other day. They are painful. I also have pimples . . . → Read More: Lamictal and acne

Zombie children . . . what is the goal when stabilizing mood?

I can’t begin to tell you how often this issue has walked into my office. A kid and family who have struggled with symptoms goes to her doctor to discuss the pro’s and con’s of the current regimen and nothing is changed. Are her symptoms gone . . . no. Are there concerning side effects . . . → Read More: Zombie children . . . what is the goal when stabilizing mood?