Managing the munchies–a typical problem with the atypicals

Are there people out there who have been on Abilify for awhile (3 months to several years) who continue to have an increased appetite from it? Or does this side effect eventually stabilize and no longer be a part of daily life?

I am trying to be patient with being on Abilify b/c I think . . . → Read More: Managing the munchies–a typical problem with the atypicals

Ak-ak-ak-ak-akathesia . . .the trouble with Abilify

Now . . . don’t get me wrong . . . I am a big fan of Abilify. Even if their over the top marketing binge is so financially disgusting to me that I want to reflexively run screaming into the night. I mean, really, how many prime time advertisements for this product do . . . → Read More: Ak-ak-ak-ak-akathesia . . .the trouble with Abilify