Managing the munchies–a typical problem with the atypicals

Are there people out there who have been on Abilify for awhile (3 months to several years) who continue to have an increased appetite from it? Or does this side effect eventually stabilize and no longer be a part of daily life?

I am trying to be patient with being on Abilify b/c I think . . . → Read More: Managing the munchies–a typical problem with the atypicals

Weight gain and Bipolar Medication

Amber writes in to say . . .

I am 20 and have just recently been diagnosed with Bipolar Type II. Right away my doctor prescribed me Lamictal, in addition to my Welbutrin…then added lithium. It all just seems too much. I have been taking birth control for years now and I am afraid that . . . → Read More: Weight gain and Bipolar Medication