Bleeet–26 years and counting

So today is my 26th wedding anniversary. I always take time off so we can spend some time together. The year has been very difficult with all the loss and stress. Having made it to this day is significant. True commitment can overcome adversity if patience and Love are present. Have a good day, all.

Bleeet . . . a new invention

Sometimes I don’t want to write a whole blarticle but I want to write. Get some thoughts out. Vent a little. I don’t tweet so I will instead bleeet. I define that as a quick little blog entry that should take no more than a minute to read. Sometimes, I have no time and no . . . → Read More: Bleeet . . . a new invention

Obsessive Ruminations Embedded In A Mood Disorder

Sharon writes in . . .

My son has just started Seroquel XR for bipolar depression. However, he is suffering with repetitive thoughts, for example he recently was emptying a bag of trash that contained old light bulbs and in carrying it outside he lifted it over an ottoman in his living room, that was . . . → Read More: Obsessive Ruminations Embedded In A Mood Disorder

So Where Has The Doctor Been??? . . . Some Personal Reflections on Depression, Health and Life In General

I had a few responses to my blarticle on providing TMS to patients in the Philadelphia area. I actually thought there would be more . . . but articles on Vyvanse, Klonopin and Lamictal reign supreme . . . more on that another time. Let’s start with two viewpoints and then I will get personal . . . → Read More: So Where Has The Doctor Been??? . . . Some Personal Reflections on Depression, Health and Life In General

Generic Woes, Anxiety Shows and Sarcastic Doctor Blows

I am a 23 year old male, am currently on Adderal XR 30Mg bid, Xanax 1Mg bid, and Remeron at bedtime. I have been on Adderal XR for five years. (at 60mg) The last few months the pharmacy has given me (unbeknownst to me) generic adderal XR, and I noticed (without knowing it wasn’t the . . . → Read More: Generic Woes, Anxiety Shows and Sarcastic Doctor Blows

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation–Part II

Sorry for the lack of writing folks, I been biiiiiiizzzzzzzzzyyyyyyy!

I am proud to announce that I am an official TMS provider! My NeurostarTMS machine was delivered the first week of November and I spent the better part of last week being trained on how to use it in real-life situations. From a professional standpoint . . . → Read More: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation–Part II

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation . . . A New Hope For Treatment Resistant Depression

A former patient wrote this to check in with me . . .

As a former patient of your practice, what are your thoughts on treatment resistant depression? Anything new or in the pipe line? At present I am doing well with Pristiq ,lithium, and Depakote. I am also involved in a sleep study with . . . → Read More: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation . . . A New Hope For Treatment Resistant Depression

Balancing The Need For Benzos and Antidepressants To Cover Anxiety

I noticed another fellow talked about being on 3 mg on klonopin for 15 years. For me, it’s been about .5 to .75 mg per day for 14 months but I have still been unsuccessful coming off of it. Do you recommend using acupucture and meditation during a slow taper? I also take 60 mg. . . . → Read More: Balancing The Need For Benzos and Antidepressants To Cover Anxiety

Treatment Resistant Depression–Under Recognized and Under Treated

As a psychiatrist . . . as an empathic person . . . it is very difficult to hear stories like the one listed below:

My heart is broke and i Feel I will never leave this deep black dark hole that I cant escape… Im tearing up heavily as I write this message… Ive . . . → Read More: Treatment Resistant Depression–Under Recognized and Under Treated

What Makes Vyvanse So Special? Simple.

As time goes on, I become more fond of Vyvanse as a medication for my patients with ADHD. As my loyal readers know, I am very hesitant to jump on the pharmaceutical bandwagon and I view all new products with great skepticism. Especially when they are re-hashes of old medications as many of the “new” . . . → Read More: What Makes Vyvanse So Special? Simple.