Chronic suicidal thoughts . . . to be or not to be . . .

The presence of chronic suicidal thoughts is one of the more difficult issues to deal with in psychiatry. It is one of the issues that separates psychiatry from all other branches of medicine. When patients see my colleagues, they want to get better. Sometimes, when patients see me . . . they just want to . . . → Read More: Chronic suicidal thoughts . . . to be or not to be . . .

Using Xanax and Klonopin–is that safe???

It’s nice when things go smoothly, isn’t it . . . Now, personally, I can’t remember a time when things DID go smoothly. It always seems that something is cropping up and disturbing the day. Stress from home. Stress from work. The kids. Traffic. And then . . . once again, you are in panic . . . → Read More: Using Xanax and Klonopin–is that safe???

The Plague comes to visit . . . MRSA hysteria and the need to get back to work

All of a sudden, people have started showing up in the office with MRSA. It is freaking people out . . . completely. There have been calls for specialized cleaning services to come to the office and disinfect and decontaminate. Therapists are voicing hesitancy about seeing certain patients. There was even a recommendation by someone . . . → Read More: The Plague comes to visit . . . MRSA hysteria and the need to get back to work