A Thanksgiving Message

I want to take this opportunity to wish each of you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving holiday.  I know that my own life is overly busy, overly stressful and ripe with opportunities to feel overwhelmed and cheated by life.  Truth be told, I’ve been known to give in and feel pretty crappy at times.  Today, I will step back and try to be glad for what I have.  I will look for the opportunity to give thanks . . . to friends, to family and, to my “Higher Power”.  I will thank them for what they do for me (emotionally/spiritually/etc . . . I’m not talking about material things here!).  I will ignore what they don’t do . . . we are all,  after all, overwhelmed and over stressed and we all have our emotional limitations!  I will take each moment as it comes and try not to worry about tomorrow and what it might bring.

Thank you for your patronage of my site.  Even when I don’t write, I check it every day and see how many people visited.  Thank you for your comments and your questions (it makes my job of writing easier).  My sincere best wishes go out to each of you for good health, emotional healing, fellowship with good and healthy people (sometimes even family) and a chance to rest and relax today (once the dishes are done).

–Dan Hartman, MD 

2 comments to A Thanksgiving Message

  • Dr. Tom Bibey

    Picked up on your site from wordpress, and enjoyed. Hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving.

    I am a country doc and semi-professional bluegrass musician. Hope you will visit my blog. I promise I will not ask you to diagnose the complex psychopathology of my compadres via the net- they are too complicated to cure in person!


  • Shelly

    Dr Dan,

    Happy Holidays to you. Thank you for intelligent, medical, heartfelt, honest mental health information. Information I can really use and makes sense, a lot of common sense. The most successful of all of my treatment for bi-polar has been a result of applying recommended coping skills, eating good and healthy food, gettting outside, be around pleasant people and nurture my spiritual self. Rise above the confusion, realize I didn’t have a corner on the market for hard knocks and utilize a good sense of humor.

    I was and still am from time to time, discouraged by the lack of common sense by the very people we seek out for mental medical treatment. I seriously beleive that had I not taken an aggressive interest in my treatment that I would be in the mental hospital. Luckily I realized I could choose my doctor and luckily I found an amazing and intelligent individual. Thank God! He explained to me that the “diagnosis” was not as important as the treatment. He really did treat the patient, not the diagnosis. He was receptive to what I had to say, what medications I was interesting in trying because members of my family took it. He trusted me to keep good track of the results. He was so wonderful about telling me that although I had some symptons of bi polar (I sought out my own treatment) that he was suspicious that if I was really in the bi polar … whatever. The meds work so I take them. He is so wonderful, much like you.

    I hope that people that need it read what you write and decide to seek out a care taker with an attitude like you. So, I’ve rambled in my charming bi polar way, but I really wanted to comment. It’s refreshing being inspired~

    Happy New Year, Dr. Dan