Tapering quickly off Klonopin . . . or . . . how to drive yourself crazy and feel like crap

Dawn writes in . . . actually . . . shouts in . . .

HI I WAS ON KLONOPIN FOR ABOUT 15 YEARS NOW AND I AM TRYIGN TO WEAN MYSELF OFF. I AM NOTICING I HAVE THE SHAKES, I CANNOT THINK STRAIGHT AT ALL, I CANNOT RETAIN MUCH OF ANYTHING, MY FACE . . . → Read More: Tapering quickly off Klonopin . . . or . . . how to drive yourself crazy and feel like crap

Alcohol and Klonopin . . . decision time

I have been putting this off for a while. I have a nice lady who lives in difficult circumstance. She has struggled with addictions most of her life, whether it is food, drugs, and now, alcohol. Both her circumstance and her biology lead her to be tremendously anxious, depressed and to have mood swings that . . . → Read More: Alcohol and Klonopin . . . decision time

Chronic suicidal thoughts . . . to be or not to be . . .

The presence of chronic suicidal thoughts is one of the more difficult issues to deal with in psychiatry. It is one of the issues that separates psychiatry from all other branches of medicine. When patients see my colleagues, they want to get better. Sometimes, when patients see me . . . they just want to . . . → Read More: Chronic suicidal thoughts . . . to be or not to be . . .

Dealing with the unsupportive partner . . .

I have had a rash of patients (a gaggle of patients . . . ?) who have had great difficulties with their significant others . . . ok . . . ok . . . all the patients are female and they are referring to their generally bull headed and unsympathetic husbands. I will admit . . . → Read More: Dealing with the unsupportive partner . . .

On being a human being

I started writing this entry months and months ago after a conversation with one of my long time patients. She was referring to her husband’s tendency to . . . do, do, do, do, do . . . and to have great difficulty getting him to settle down and just . . . be. I . . . → Read More: On being a human being

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road . . .

I want to pass along a thank-you to all who have written in recently on the use of nutrition and life-style changes to address psychiatric issues (esp depression/anxiety/anger). I find myself a bit overwhelmed with the volume of information that is available out there. My intent is to critically look at as much of this . . . → Read More: Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road . . .

Getting the kids involved . . . could someone teach me a thing or two???

I’ve had a number of responses to the blarticle from January 13th (” . . . the good doctor was WRONG”). Seems what my ex-patient had to say hit a nerve. I’ve always been pretty aware of my own limitations as a mental health practitioner. Limitations on the effectiveness of the medications, limitations on the . . . → Read More: Getting the kids involved . . . could someone teach me a thing or two???

Bipolar Disorder in Adolescents–The good doctor was WRONG

I put the following up because of how many important messages it sends to me, to patients and to parents . . .

I was a patient of yours 5-6 years ago when I was between the ages of 14-16. I was quickly diagnosed with bipolar disorder and prescribed pills (first depakote then, after . . . → Read More: Bipolar Disorder in Adolescents–The good doctor was WRONG

Using Xanax and Klonopin–is that safe???

It’s nice when things go smoothly, isn’t it . . . Now, personally, I can’t remember a time when things DID go smoothly. It always seems that something is cropping up and disturbing the day. Stress from home. Stress from work. The kids. Traffic. And then . . . once again, you are in panic . . . → Read More: Using Xanax and Klonopin–is that safe???

Keeping your eye on the ball

It is so easy to get distracted.

I have so many goals for myself. This blog is certainly one of them, but it is only the tip of the iceberg that you see. And this goal started to be a goal several years ago. I have had some of my goals for years and . . . → Read More: Keeping your eye on the ball