By doctordan, on September 14th, 2008% My daughter’s father has recently (within the last week)begun taking an antidepressant for depression. He and I had been getting along well with no fights or hostility depsite some disagreements during this time. We are divorced but are friends and are able to attend family functions and cooperate as to our child 95% of the . . . → Read More: A duty to listen . . . you don't violate confidentiality if you keep your mouth shut
By doctordan, on September 1st, 2008% This letter brings up an important question about Lamictal . . .
I’m a 45 y/o female properly diagnosed and treated as bipolar for 1 & 1/2 years. Prior to this diagnosis, I was treated soley for depression for 10 years (the last 5 as refractory.) I am presently doing GREAT on Lamictal 200mg daily . . . → Read More: Rash from Lamictal . . . do you have to stop it?
By doctordan, on August 27th, 2008% Mary writes in . . .
I hate to say it, but I was relieved to hear that many others reported gettting acne (especially along jawline) from Lamictal. I complained about this to my Psyciatrist, but he said he never heard of that being a side effect. I, also was feeling so blah, lost . . . → Read More: Moving from Lamictal to Zoloft?
By doctordan, on August 26th, 2008% I received this question from a concerned consumer last week . . .
A week ago I was prescribed gabapentin, an anti-epileptic drug, for the off-label use of social anxiety and “affective mood disorder.” I have been concerned about this ever since I began my research on it a few days ago. Most of what . . . → Read More: Neurontin as a first line agent . . . I Don't Think So!
By doctordan, on August 18th, 2008% Vacation is always about relaxing and getting away. Right???? Finding the time to renew your soul and making yourself ready to get back in the trenches and fight anew. The trick, of course, is holding on to some of that sense of self . . . your relaxed self . . . so that the . . . → Read More: My Vacation Book Report . . . What I've Learned
By doctordan, on July 29th, 2008% I have been putting this off for a while. I have a nice lady who lives in difficult circumstance. She has struggled with addictions most of her life, whether it is food, drugs, and now, alcohol. Both her circumstance and her biology lead her to be tremendously anxious, depressed and to have mood swings that . . . → Read More: Alcohol and Klonopin . . . decision time
By doctordan, on July 19th, 2008% The presence of chronic suicidal thoughts is one of the more difficult issues to deal with in psychiatry. It is one of the issues that separates psychiatry from all other branches of medicine. When patients see my colleagues, they want to get better. Sometimes, when patients see me . . . they just want to . . . → Read More: Chronic suicidal thoughts . . . to be or not to be . . .
By doctordan, on April 9th, 2008% Jeff writes in with a common problem . . . feeling kind of crappy on the medicine:
Hey doctordan, I was in counseling for 11 months. Blah. The same questions over and over. Point being, I dont need to talk . Honestly. I’m a smart cookie. Now, ONTO the LAMICTAL I have been diagnosed with . . . → Read More: Rapid-cycling Bipolar II–what to do . . . what to do
By doctordan, on January 22nd, 2008% I’ve had a number of responses to the blarticle from January 13th (” . . . the good doctor was WRONG”). Seems what my ex-patient had to say hit a nerve. I’ve always been pretty aware of my own limitations as a mental health practitioner. Limitations on the effectiveness of the medications, limitations on the . . . → Read More: Getting the kids involved . . . could someone teach me a thing or two???
By doctordan, on January 13th, 2008% I put the following up because of how many important messages it sends to me, to patients and to parents . . .
I was a patient of yours 5-6 years ago when I was between the ages of 14-16. I was quickly diagnosed with bipolar disorder and prescribed pills (first depakote then, after . . . → Read More: Bipolar Disorder in Adolescents–The good doctor was WRONG
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This Website for Daniel G. Hartman, MD and its contents, are prepared for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, nor is it intended to create or be part of a physician-patient relationship. The information on this Website is not intended to be a substitute for a visit or consultation with a qualified healthcare provider. All medical information
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