When is it time to go off the meds?

Joelle writes in with a common question:

I am on 600 mg of Lamictal and was prescribed this medication a year ago. My doctor increased my dose from 50mg slowly taking me to 600mg over a period of 4 months. It took this much to feel less suicidal and even balanced in my mind. Recently . . . → Read More: When is it time to go off the meds?

Physically sick from the meds . . . what to do . . . what to do

Leslie writes in with a question . . .

I have been taking Lamictal for a short period of time. My doctor added Abilify 10 days ago and I have had a low grade fever ever since. She says it’s flu but I now am certain it is the medication. The fever has also made . . . → Read More: Physically sick from the meds . . . what to do . . . what to do

Lamictal and acne

Red writes in with a common complaint about Lamictal . . .

I’m a 29 y/o female. I started Lamictal July of 07 (150mgs) and since then I have developed horrible acne along my jawline that takes weeks to clear up and new pimples develop every other day. They are painful. I also have pimples . . . → Read More: Lamictal and acne

Post-partum Depression–on being prepared

Since I see a fair number of patients who are of the age where they expect and want to have babies, the issue of managing depression during and after the pregnancy often arises. Today I thought I would focus on a small segment of this large issue–that of the spector of postpartum depression. This issues . . . → Read More: Post-partum Depression–on being prepared

Getting the kids involved . . . could someone teach me a thing or two???

I’ve had a number of responses to the blarticle from January 13th (” . . . the good doctor was WRONG”). Seems what my ex-patient had to say hit a nerve. I’ve always been pretty aware of my own limitations as a mental health practitioner. Limitations on the effectiveness of the medications, limitations on the . . . → Read More: Getting the kids involved . . . could someone teach me a thing or two???

Medicine forever?

A difficult point to get across to someone, especially a young person, is that they may have to take medicine forever. I know from my own personal experience with health issues that it is not MY first choice! My cholesterol is chronically high and for years I swore I would not take medicine and would . . . → Read More: Medicine forever?

Meridia and antidepressants–Part I and Part II


Last week a patient came in with question regarding the use of antidepressants while taking the weight loss drug Meridia. Seems her family doc took her off the two antidepressants I had her on to treat her depression (Lexapro and Wellbutrin if my memory serves me), and gave her Meridia to treat . . . → Read More: Meridia and antidepressants–Part I and Part II

Who holds the pills???

I still have a few connections at one of the local psych hospitals in my area, so I hear from time to time complaints and concerns from “the inside”. One of the big questions that comes up is why kids have access to their medicine and, oftentimes, are given complete control of their medicine. This . . . → Read More: Who holds the pills???

Keeping your eye on the ball

It is so easy to get distracted.

I have so many goals for myself. This blog is certainly one of them, but it is only the tip of the iceberg that you see. And this goal started to be a goal several years ago. I have had some of my goals for years and . . . → Read More: Keeping your eye on the ball

Holiday Blues (Part I)–a Thanksgiving message for us all

And so . . . the holiday season is upon us. The Christmas decorations have been in the stores for weeks, the music is on the radio . . . and what if you just . . . don’t . . . feel it. A visitor to the blog writes in . . .

. . . → Read More: Holiday Blues (Part I)–a Thanksgiving message for us all