Ask Three Docs . . . Get Four Opinions . . .

I have been on medications for almost 11 years. I have been through so many. and At the present time I am on Effexor xr 150mg, Prozac 40 mg as the Dr. was trying to wean me from 225 of the effexor xr and add the prozac. 1 mg of xanax 4 x’s a day, . . . → Read More: Ask Three Docs . . . Get Four Opinions . . .

Tapering off Celexa (or any antidepressant) when you get pregnant

Please can you tell me how to alleviate Citalopram withdrawel? I need to reduce asap as I’m pregnant but doctor says just redude by 10mg every other day whereas Pharmacist says it’s not good to take during preganancy, So I want to stop taking it….any help appreciated.

So much controversy exists over the use of . . . → Read More: Tapering off Celexa (or any antidepressant) when you get pregnant