SHOCKING!!! The role of ECT in the treatment of mental illness

I just have a question for you: what are your views on ECT – mine are completely negative since I have had so many and they did absolutely NOTHING for me but cause long term memory loss.

There is absolutely NOTHING that will scare a patient more than when the doc starts bringing up ECT–electroconvulsive . . . → Read More: SHOCKING!!! The role of ECT in the treatment of mental illness

Antidepressants make your anxious kid go BONKERS??? . . . a fine time for a mood stabilizer!!

My seven yr old son was diagnoised with Generalized Anxiety Disorder 1 1/2 yrs ago when it appeared he had a panic attack in school which led to two months of severe anxiety to the point where he could not leave the house. He was put on zoloft and went manic on that. We had . . . → Read More: Antidepressants make your anxious kid go BONKERS??? . . . a fine time for a mood stabilizer!!

A duty to listen . . . you don't violate confidentiality if you keep your mouth shut

My daughter’s father has recently (within the last week)begun taking an antidepressant for depression. He and I had been getting along well with no fights or hostility depsite some disagreements during this time. We are divorced but are friends and are able to attend family functions and cooperate as to our child 95% of the . . . → Read More: A duty to listen . . . you don't violate confidentiality if you keep your mouth shut

When is Lamictal Good for Regular Old Depression?

In our striving to provide our patients with the latest, the greatest and the newest treatments for one condition or another, many psychiatrists go out on a limb to try new things. Some of us go wwwwaaaaaayyyyy out on a limb. There are two sides to this, of course. You don’t want a shrink who . . . → Read More: When is Lamictal Good for Regular Old Depression?

Minimal Bipolarism–how cautious do you have to be?


OK, I guess you want more than that for an explanation, right? This is an issue that comes up frequently. Since many of the medications that we use to treat other issues can potentially aggravate an underlying Bipolar Disorder, psychiatrists have been increasingly conservative in their prescribing and more aggressive in probing for latent . . . → Read More: Minimal Bipolarism–how cautious do you have to be?