Neurontin as a first line agent . . . I Don't Think So!

I received this question from a concerned consumer last week . . .

A week ago I was prescribed gabapentin, an anti-epileptic drug, for the off-label use of social anxiety and “affective mood disorder.” I have been concerned about this ever since I began my research on it a few days ago. Most of what . . . → Read More: Neurontin as a first line agent . . . I Don't Think So!

Ak-ak-ak-ak-akathesia . . .the trouble with Abilify

Now . . . don’t get me wrong . . . I am a big fan of Abilify. Even if their over the top marketing binge is so financially disgusting to me that I want to reflexively run screaming into the night. I mean, really, how many prime time advertisements for this product do . . . → Read More: Ak-ak-ak-ak-akathesia . . .the trouble with Abilify

Tapering antidepressants . . . more art than science

I get numerous inquiries about how to stop antidepressants. I get the impression that most people want to stop on their own, and not in collaboration with their psychiatrist. As always, I recommend that you change medicine only after consultation with your doctor. If you don’t feel like your doctor will listen to you, then . . . → Read More: Tapering antidepressants . . . more art than science