Generic Woes, Anxiety Shows and Sarcastic Doctor Blows

I am a 23 year old male, am currently on Adderal XR 30Mg bid, Xanax 1Mg bid, and Remeron at bedtime. I have been on Adderal XR for five years. (at 60mg) The last few months the pharmacy has given me (unbeknownst to me) generic adderal XR, and I noticed (without knowing it wasn’t the . . . → Read More: Generic Woes, Anxiety Shows and Sarcastic Doctor Blows

Approaching the (possibly) Unapproachable Doctor

I am a 33 year old female diagnosed with major depression 7 years ago and ADD about 5 years ago. I’ve been on several Tricyclics, SSRIs, Cymbalta, Effexor, Wellbutrin, Tegretol, Abilify, Provigil, Klonapin, Synthoid(for slight underactive thyroid possibly contributing to depression),Yaz (for possible PMDD contributing to depression), and Concerta, plus more (many of these I’ve . . . → Read More: Approaching the (possibly) Unapproachable Doctor

Depression Not Getting Better, But Not Out Of Options

Over the past 2.5 years I have been on and off 7 different antidepressants (5 SSRIs, one SNRI) but my doctor has not been satisfied that the benefits outweigh the risks/side effects. He says he is out of drug options and is looking to my psychologist to help me. For about the past year and . . . → Read More: Depression Not Getting Better, But Not Out Of Options

Prescribing Outside The Box

Kurt writes in with a very common question:

I was prescribed 70mg Vyvanse for debilitating chronic fatigue. The 70mg was totally ineffective. At 6′2″, 220 pounds, I think the dosage was too small. My psychiatrist will not increase the dosage. I self-titrated and found that 210mg will get me through the working day but I’m . . . → Read More: Prescribing Outside The Box

What is Causing What? . . . Multiple Factors Contributing To A New Mom's Woes

I am a 27-year-old female with an extensive psychiatric history. I have been on almost every type of medication except tricyclics and stimulants. I am diagnosed with Bipolar I and Borderline Personality Disorder. Currently, I am seeing a new psychiatrist who is “pill-happy”. I feel like she doesn’t listen to me. Right now I am . . . → Read More: What is Causing What? . . . Multiple Factors Contributing To A New Mom's Woes

What's a little chest pain when I can at least pay attention to the ER doc when he tells me I've had my first heart attack!

This one made me a bit worried . . .

I am a 30 year old male, and I’ve been taking stimulant ADD meds for about 15 years. The last 5 years I’ve been on Metadate CD 60mg every AM. Worked pretty good, and insurance covered most of it.My doctor switched me to Focalin . . . → Read More: What's a little chest pain when I can at least pay attention to the ER doc when he tells me I've had my first heart attack!

Treat or wait? The annual ADHD question

With the start of September, all thoughts turn to . . . medicating our kids??? Well, as bad as that can sound to some, it IS time for the annual debate. A question for which there is no clear answer. Let’s examine several scenarios and I’ll give some suggestions . . .

We’ll start with . . . → Read More: Treat or wait? The annual ADHD question

Does every kid on stimulants need an EKG?

Oh boy, oh, BOY!!! When my wife showed me this issue on the internet last night I gave a big sigh and an eye roll. I knew the phone calls would start early and heavy. For those of you who have not heard, the American Heart Association issued a recommendation that all children who are . . . → Read More: Does every kid on stimulants need an EKG?