What Makes Vyvanse So Special? Simple.

As time goes on, I become more fond of Vyvanse as a medication for my patients with ADHD. As my loyal readers know, I am very hesitant to jump on the pharmaceutical bandwagon and I view all new products with great skepticism. Especially when they are re-hashes of old medications as many of the “new” . . . → Read More: What Makes Vyvanse So Special? Simple.

Treat or wait? The annual ADHD question

With the start of September, all thoughts turn to . . . medicating our kids??? Well, as bad as that can sound to some, it IS time for the annual debate. A question for which there is no clear answer. Let’s examine several scenarios and I’ll give some suggestions . . .

We’ll start with . . . → Read More: Treat or wait? The annual ADHD question

Vyvanse–the medication you can't get to

Just a short entry this evening. A little bit of a rant and rave. I’ve been trying to gain more experience with Vyvanse. So far, the patients that I have taken it have given mostly favorable reviews. Not perfect, but none of these poisons I prescribe are. Problem is . . . the insurance companies . . . → Read More: Vyvanse–the medication you can't get to

ADHD–a good excuse or a reason to take responsibility?

ADHD presents special challenges to both the kid that has it and to his or her parents. Being the parent of a typical kid these days is challenging enough. When you throw in the distractibility, impulsivity and academic struggles that come with ADHD, it can magnify other issues that are hard all by themselves (like . . . → Read More: ADHD–a good excuse or a reason to take responsibility?

School Violence (Part I)–a plea to parents

I am the parent of a ninth grader. I have had two others go through our local high school. I am hoping my youngest will make it through alive. I’m asking for your help. For my child, and the children of all the other kids in the school. And the teachers. And the custodians. And . . . → Read More: School Violence (Part I)–a plea to parents

Time to meet with the teachers!!!

OK gang . . . its October!!! You know what that means????? It time to . . . MEET THE TEACHERS!!!! I don’t mean that passing by at the end of “back to school night” thing where you ask “how’s Raoul doing?” What do you think the teacher is going to say “Oh my GOOOODDDDD, . . . → Read More: Time to meet with the teachers!!!