Ak-ak-ak-ak-akathesia . . .the trouble with Abilify

Now . . . don’t get me wrong . . . I am a big fan of Abilify. Even if their over the top marketing binge is so financially disgusting to me that I want to reflexively run screaming into the night. I mean, really, how many prime time advertisements for this product do . . . → Read More: Ak-ak-ak-ak-akathesia . . .the trouble with Abilify

Dealing with the unsupportive partner . . .

I have had a rash of patients (a gaggle of patients . . . ?) who have had great difficulties with their significant others . . . ok . . . ok . . . all the patients are female and they are referring to their generally bull headed and unsympathetic husbands. I will admit . . . → Read More: Dealing with the unsupportive partner . . .

Physically sick from the meds . . . what to do . . . what to do

Leslie writes in with a question . . .

I have been taking Lamictal for a short period of time. My doctor added Abilify 10 days ago and I have had a low grade fever ever since. She says it’s flu but I now am certain it is the medication. The fever has also made . . . → Read More: Physically sick from the meds . . . what to do . . . what to do

Lamictal and acne

Red writes in with a common complaint about Lamictal . . .

I’m a 29 y/o female. I started Lamictal July of 07 (150mgs) and since then I have developed horrible acne along my jawline that takes weeks to clear up and new pimples develop every other day. They are painful. I also have pimples . . . → Read More: Lamictal and acne

Zombie children . . . what is the goal when stabilizing mood?

I can’t begin to tell you how often this issue has walked into my office. A kid and family who have struggled with symptoms goes to her doctor to discuss the pro’s and con’s of the current regimen and nothing is changed. Are her symptoms gone . . . no. Are there concerning side effects . . . → Read More: Zombie children . . . what is the goal when stabilizing mood?

Rapid-cycling Bipolar II–what to do . . . what to do

Jeff writes in with a common problem . . . feeling kind of crappy on the medicine:

Hey doctordan, I was in counseling for 11 months. Blah. The same questions over and over. Point being, I dont need to talk . Honestly. I’m a smart cookie. Now, ONTO the LAMICTAL I have been diagnosed with . . . → Read More: Rapid-cycling Bipolar II–what to do . . . what to do