By doctordan, on October 16th, 2011% I started seeing Mike when he was six years old or so. Brought in by his mother, he was having all the classic problems that a child with ADHD has. He was inattentive and distracted. He was disorganized and was losing things. He couldn’t sit still and would get in trouble for talking and playing when he was supposed to be sitting still and doing his work. He was described as “lazy” when, in reality, that “lazy” was the standard disengaged and distracted “ain’t too interested in doing something I can’t pay attention to” thing we here in mental health land can easily diagnose as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. . . . → Read More: A Tale Of Two Kiddies . . . How Early Treatment Makes A Difference (with apologies to Charles Dickens)
By doctordan, on October 9th, 2011% What’s your biggest fear? What’s your greatest dream? The answers matter. You matter. . . . → Read More: Out Of The Darkness . . .
By doctordan, on September 25th, 2010% I caught you knockin’ at my cellar door,
I love you, baby, can I have some more,
Oh, the damage done.
I hit the city and I lost my band,
I watched the needle take another man,
Gone, gone, the damage done.
I sing the song because I . . . → Read More: . . . Another Man Done Gone . . .
By doctordan, on August 29th, 2010% ” . . . . soooooooooo doc . . . when is this medicine going to kick in . . . ?”
Oh, that it was so easy. The above question is misplaced, however. Over and over I meet with patients who are on various medications that are shifted and moved and changed and . . . → Read More: Waiting to get better . . . What are YOU waiting for???
By doctordan, on June 6th, 2010% Getting started on medicine is a relatively easy decision. When folks come in to see me, things are not going well. Be it depression or anxiety or an out of control kid who is going to fail third grade, they want help . . . like NOW. I will be the first to admit that . . . → Read More: Patience . . . Patients . . . Stay On Your Medicine Till You Talk To Your Doctor . . . PLEASE!!!
By doctordan, on January 9th, 2010% I had a few responses to my blarticle on providing TMS to patients in the Philadelphia area. I actually thought there would be more . . . but articles on Vyvanse, Klonopin and Lamictal reign supreme . . . more on that another time. Let’s start with two viewpoints and then I will get personal . . . → Read More: So Where Has The Doctor Been??? . . . Some Personal Reflections on Depression, Health and Life In General
By doctordan, on November 29th, 2009% I am a 23 year old male, am currently on Adderal XR 30Mg bid, Xanax 1Mg bid, and Remeron at bedtime. I have been on Adderal XR for five years. (at 60mg) The last few months the pharmacy has given me (unbeknownst to me) generic adderal XR, and I noticed (without knowing it wasn’t the . . . → Read More: Generic Woes, Anxiety Shows and Sarcastic Doctor Blows
By doctordan, on September 30th, 2009% A former patient wrote this to check in with me . . .
As a former patient of your practice, what are your thoughts on treatment resistant depression? Anything new or in the pipe line? At present I am doing well with Pristiq ,lithium, and Depakote. I am also involved in a sleep study with . . . → Read More: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation . . . A New Hope For Treatment Resistant Depression
By doctordan, on August 29th, 2009% As a psychiatrist . . . as an empathic person . . . it is very difficult to hear stories like the one listed below:
My heart is broke and i Feel I will never leave this deep black dark hole that I cant escape… Im tearing up heavily as I write this message… Ive . . . → Read More: Treatment Resistant Depression–Under Recognized and Under Treated
By doctordan, on July 19th, 2009% In the hustle and bustle of family life, it is inevitable that conflicts and arguments will occur from time to time. The more kids you have, the more this is likely just because of the sheer number of personalities involved (but small families are hardly immune!). This can be particularly difficult to manage for “the . . . → Read More: MANIFESTO DELLA FAMIGLIA–May Peace Reign Supreme In This House
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Copyright All information contained in these pages are copyright by Daniel G. Hartman, MD. No use in whole or in part is allowed without permission. Really. I mean, come on . . . I wrote it . . . give me some credit! (Thank you).
This Website for Daniel G. Hartman, MD and its contents, are prepared for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, nor is it intended to create or be part of a physician-patient relationship. The information on this Website is not intended to be a substitute for a visit or consultation with a qualified healthcare provider. All medical information
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