Rash from Lamictal . . . do you have to stop it?

This letter brings up an important question about Lamictal . . .

I’m a 45 y/o female properly diagnosed and treated as bipolar for 1 & 1/2 years. Prior to this diagnosis, I was treated soley for depression for 10 years (the last 5 as refractory.) I am presently doing GREAT on Lamictal 200mg daily . . . → Read More: Rash from Lamictal . . . do you have to stop it?

Vyvanse was helping depression . . . now . . . aggravating mania?

James writes in to say . . .

I started having panic attacks and was very unsociable and kept to myself,all this started about 10 years ago. The doctors diagnosed me as bipolor,i’ve been on every med available for bipolar with no positive results. Last december my doc decided to try me on 20 mg . . . → Read More: Vyvanse was helping depression . . . now . . . aggravating mania?

Moving from Lamictal to Zoloft?

Mary writes in . . .

I hate to say it, but I was relieved to hear that many others reported gettting acne (especially along jawline) from Lamictal. I complained about this to my Psyciatrist, but he said he never heard of that being a side effect. I, also was feeling so blah, lost . . . → Read More: Moving from Lamictal to Zoloft?

When is Lamictal Good for Regular Old Depression?

In our striving to provide our patients with the latest, the greatest and the newest treatments for one condition or another, many psychiatrists go out on a limb to try new things. Some of us go wwwwaaaaaayyyyy out on a limb. There are two sides to this, of course. You don’t want a shrink who . . . → Read More: When is Lamictal Good for Regular Old Depression?

Chronic suicidal thoughts . . . to be or not to be . . .

The presence of chronic suicidal thoughts is one of the more difficult issues to deal with in psychiatry. It is one of the issues that separates psychiatry from all other branches of medicine. When patients see my colleagues, they want to get better. Sometimes, when patients see me . . . they just want to . . . → Read More: Chronic suicidal thoughts . . . to be or not to be . . .

When is it time to go off the meds?

Joelle writes in with a common question:

I am on 600 mg of Lamictal and was prescribed this medication a year ago. My doctor increased my dose from 50mg slowly taking me to 600mg over a period of 4 months. It took this much to feel less suicidal and even balanced in my mind. Recently . . . → Read More: When is it time to go off the meds?

Ak-ak-ak-ak-akathesia . . .the trouble with Abilify

Now . . . don’t get me wrong . . . I am a big fan of Abilify. Even if their over the top marketing binge is so financially disgusting to me that I want to reflexively run screaming into the night. I mean, really, how many prime time advertisements for this product do . . . → Read More: Ak-ak-ak-ak-akathesia . . .the trouble with Abilify

Dealing with the unsupportive partner . . .

I have had a rash of patients (a gaggle of patients . . . ?) who have had great difficulties with their significant others . . . ok . . . ok . . . all the patients are female and they are referring to their generally bull headed and unsympathetic husbands. I will admit . . . → Read More: Dealing with the unsupportive partner . . .

Physically sick from the meds . . . what to do . . . what to do

Leslie writes in with a question . . .

I have been taking Lamictal for a short period of time. My doctor added Abilify 10 days ago and I have had a low grade fever ever since. She says it’s flu but I now am certain it is the medication. The fever has also made . . . → Read More: Physically sick from the meds . . . what to do . . . what to do

Lamictal and acne

Red writes in with a common complaint about Lamictal . . .

I’m a 29 y/o female. I started Lamictal July of 07 (150mgs) and since then I have developed horrible acne along my jawline that takes weeks to clear up and new pimples develop every other day. They are painful. I also have pimples . . . → Read More: Lamictal and acne