Hard on the Liver??? . . . Good for the mood???

My mother has cirrhosis of the liver and also severe depression. She is 70 yrs. old What would be the safest med for her to take??? She seems to be unable to live and manage her issues due to depression.

In general, depression in the elderly can be very difficult to treat. As with . . . → Read More: Hard on the Liver??? . . . Good for the mood???

Approaching the (possibly) Unapproachable Doctor

I am a 33 year old female diagnosed with major depression 7 years ago and ADD about 5 years ago. I’ve been on several Tricyclics, SSRIs, Cymbalta, Effexor, Wellbutrin, Tegretol, Abilify, Provigil, Klonapin, Synthoid(for slight underactive thyroid possibly contributing to depression),Yaz (for possible PMDD contributing to depression), and Concerta, plus more (many of these I’ve . . . → Read More: Approaching the (possibly) Unapproachable Doctor

Depression Not Getting Better, But Not Out Of Options

Over the past 2.5 years I have been on and off 7 different antidepressants (5 SSRIs, one SNRI) but my doctor has not been satisfied that the benefits outweigh the risks/side effects. He says he is out of drug options and is looking to my psychologist to help me. For about the past year and . . . → Read More: Depression Not Getting Better, But Not Out Of Options

Stop Whining About Your Wife and Start Getting Your Life Back

I’m depressed and I’ve had to work really hard at even getting my wife to acknowledge my condition. It has got better but yesterday we went to visit my aunty and uncle in the country. he has had long-term depression like me and it just amazed me how open they were in their house about . . . → Read More: Stop Whining About Your Wife and Start Getting Your Life Back

Measuring Success . . . "I think I'm a 5"

“So, Mrs. Kapsmanjacketter, on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the most depressed you have ever been, how have you been feeling since our last visit . . . ”

And so, yet another rapid fire med check begins in the land of managed care. How many times have you, my devoted . . . → Read More: Measuring Success . . . "I think I'm a 5"

Worked The First Time . . . Why Not The Second?

“Confused” writes in with a question . . .

In the past I have been prescribed Klonopin 1mg 3x a day. This worked well for me until I built a tolerance. Several years have passed, I never experienced addiction or withdralls. I have been prescibed this medicine again for panic attacks, anxiety & being social . . . → Read More: Worked The First Time . . . Why Not The Second?

Prescribing Outside The Box

Kurt writes in with a very common question:

I was prescribed 70mg Vyvanse for debilitating chronic fatigue. The 70mg was totally ineffective. At 6′2″, 220 pounds, I think the dosage was too small. My psychiatrist will not increase the dosage. I self-titrated and found that 210mg will get me through the working day but I’m . . . → Read More: Prescribing Outside The Box

What is Causing What? . . . Multiple Factors Contributing To A New Mom's Woes

I am a 27-year-old female with an extensive psychiatric history. I have been on almost every type of medication except tricyclics and stimulants. I am diagnosed with Bipolar I and Borderline Personality Disorder. Currently, I am seeing a new psychiatrist who is “pill-happy”. I feel like she doesn’t listen to me. Right now I am . . . → Read More: What is Causing What? . . . Multiple Factors Contributing To A New Mom's Woes

Tapering off Celexa (or any antidepressant) when you get pregnant

Please can you tell me how to alleviate Citalopram withdrawel? I need to reduce asap as I’m pregnant but doctor says just redude by 10mg every other day whereas Pharmacist says it’s not good to take during preganancy, So I want to stop taking it….any help appreciated.

So much controversy exists over the use of . . . → Read More: Tapering off Celexa (or any antidepressant) when you get pregnant

Pollyanna waves the pom-poms

I have been accused of many things in my life . . . but none so on target as . . . (gulp) . . . an optimist . . .

YIKES . . . a rare breed, these days. What with the economic down turn, the violence in the world, the price of . . . → Read More: Pollyanna waves the pom-poms