Hospice and Beyond

So . . . some of you more loyal listeners might remember previous blarticles concerning my wonderful father-in-law. A man who has, over the last 26 years, become my best friend. When I started this entry several weeks ago, I sat beside him, his old body feverish. His breathing rhythmic . . . slow . . . . → Read More: Hospice and Beyond

What is Causing What? . . . Multiple Factors Contributing To A New Mom's Woes

I am a 27-year-old female with an extensive psychiatric history. I have been on almost every type of medication except tricyclics and stimulants. I am diagnosed with Bipolar I and Borderline Personality Disorder. Currently, I am seeing a new psychiatrist who is “pill-happy”. I feel like she doesn’t listen to me. Right now I am . . . → Read More: What is Causing What? . . . Multiple Factors Contributing To A New Mom's Woes

Tapering off Celexa (or any antidepressant) when you get pregnant

Please can you tell me how to alleviate Citalopram withdrawel? I need to reduce asap as I’m pregnant but doctor says just redude by 10mg every other day whereas Pharmacist says it’s not good to take during preganancy, So I want to stop taking it….any help appreciated.

So much controversy exists over the use of . . . → Read More: Tapering off Celexa (or any antidepressant) when you get pregnant

Pollyanna waves the pom-poms

I have been accused of many things in my life . . . but none so on target as . . . (gulp) . . . an optimist . . .

YIKES . . . a rare breed, these days. What with the economic down turn, the violence in the world, the price of . . . → Read More: Pollyanna waves the pom-poms

A difficult case

A colleague writes in . . .

I’m a therapist working with an adolescent with a rapid cycling bi-polar, and the episodes of suicidal thoughts are not improving, the psychiatrist is working on the meds, we seem to have a good week and a bad week, where episodes of deep depression hit most days . . . → Read More: A difficult case

Antidepressants make your anxious kid go BONKERS??? . . . a fine time for a mood stabilizer!!

My seven yr old son was diagnoised with Generalized Anxiety Disorder 1 1/2 yrs ago when it appeared he had a panic attack in school which led to two months of severe anxiety to the point where he could not leave the house. He was put on zoloft and went manic on that. We had . . . → Read More: Antidepressants make your anxious kid go BONKERS??? . . . a fine time for a mood stabilizer!!

A duty to listen . . . you don't violate confidentiality if you keep your mouth shut

My daughter’s father has recently (within the last week)begun taking an antidepressant for depression. He and I had been getting along well with no fights or hostility depsite some disagreements during this time. We are divorced but are friends and are able to attend family functions and cooperate as to our child 95% of the . . . → Read More: A duty to listen . . . you don't violate confidentiality if you keep your mouth shut

Treat or wait? The annual ADHD question

With the start of September, all thoughts turn to . . . medicating our kids??? Well, as bad as that can sound to some, it IS time for the annual debate. A question for which there is no clear answer. Let’s examine several scenarios and I’ll give some suggestions . . .

We’ll start with . . . → Read More: Treat or wait? The annual ADHD question

Vyvanse–the medication you can't get to

Just a short entry this evening. A little bit of a rant and rave. I’ve been trying to gain more experience with Vyvanse. So far, the patients that I have taken it have given mostly favorable reviews. Not perfect, but none of these poisons I prescribe are. Problem is . . . the insurance companies . . . → Read More: Vyvanse–the medication you can't get to

Zombie children . . . what is the goal when stabilizing mood?

I can’t begin to tell you how often this issue has walked into my office. A kid and family who have struggled with symptoms goes to her doctor to discuss the pro’s and con’s of the current regimen and nothing is changed. Are her symptoms gone . . . no. Are there concerning side effects . . . → Read More: Zombie children . . . what is the goal when stabilizing mood?