By doctordan, on June 6th, 2010% Getting started on medicine is a relatively easy decision. When folks come in to see me, things are not going well. Be it depression or anxiety or an out of control kid who is going to fail third grade, they want help . . . like NOW. I will be the first to admit that . . . → Read More: Patience . . . Patients . . . Stay On Your Medicine Till You Talk To Your Doctor . . . PLEASE!!!
By doctordan, on January 9th, 2010% I had a few responses to my blarticle on providing TMS to patients in the Philadelphia area. I actually thought there would be more . . . but articles on Vyvanse, Klonopin and Lamictal reign supreme . . . more on that another time. Let’s start with two viewpoints and then I will get personal . . . → Read More: So Where Has The Doctor Been??? . . . Some Personal Reflections on Depression, Health and Life In General
By doctordan, on July 19th, 2009% In the hustle and bustle of family life, it is inevitable that conflicts and arguments will occur from time to time. The more kids you have, the more this is likely just because of the sheer number of personalities involved (but small families are hardly immune!). This can be particularly difficult to manage for “the . . . → Read More: MANIFESTO DELLA FAMIGLIA–May Peace Reign Supreme In This House
By doctordan, on July 12th, 2009% I have long searched for new and different ways to settle my mind down and to remain centered and grounded. In my work with people who are decidedly NOT grounded, it is imperative that I maintain my focus. This is important not only for the welfare of my patients but also for my ongoing mental . . . → Read More: A Challenge . . .
By doctordan, on July 9th, 2009% I am not bipolar but am on 200 mg of Lamictal and 50 mg of Zoloft. I have tried many meds and I never feel good. I have read alot and done alot of research. I have found that there is no proof of chemical imbalances or that these meds work better than a placebo. . . . → Read More: Why Don't I Get Better When All I Do Is Medicine?
By doctordan, on June 12th, 2009% So . . . I got in my car the other day and, much like every other day, put on my blindfold and sped off to work . . .
“WHAT?????” you might be rightfully saying . . . “put on your blindfold and started driving?????” . . . “you CRAZY!!!”
Well, of COURSE . . . → Read More: Driving Miss Daisy . . . aka watch what your doin' with them meds!
By doctordan, on March 28th, 2009% Over the past 2.5 years I have been on and off 7 different antidepressants (5 SSRIs, one SNRI) but my doctor has not been satisfied that the benefits outweigh the risks/side effects. He says he is out of drug options and is looking to my psychologist to help me. For about the past year and . . . → Read More: Depression Not Getting Better, But Not Out Of Options
By doctordan, on March 15th, 2009% I’m depressed and I’ve had to work really hard at even getting my wife to acknowledge my condition. It has got better but yesterday we went to visit my aunty and uncle in the country. he has had long-term depression like me and it just amazed me how open they were in their house about . . . → Read More: Stop Whining About Your Wife and Start Getting Your Life Back
By doctordan, on March 7th, 2009% “So, Mrs. Kapsmanjacketter, on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the most depressed you have ever been, how have you been feeling since our last visit . . . ”
And so, yet another rapid fire med check begins in the land of managed care. How many times have you, my devoted . . . → Read More: Measuring Success . . . "I think I'm a 5"
By doctordan, on December 21st, 2008% For all of you who do not celebrate Christmas . . . substitute your own holiday here. Regardless of where you live or who you associate with, this time of the year brings rituals of togetherness, reflection, thankfulness, giving, receiving and hope. The artificialness of this is annoying to many . . . perhaps most. . . . → Read More: Against all odds . . . getting into the Christmas spirit
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Copyright All information contained in these pages are copyright by Daniel G. Hartman, MD. No use in whole or in part is allowed without permission. Really. I mean, come on . . . I wrote it . . . give me some credit! (Thank you).
This Website for Daniel G. Hartman, MD and its contents, are prepared for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, nor is it intended to create or be part of a physician-patient relationship. The information on this Website is not intended to be a substitute for a visit or consultation with a qualified healthcare provider. All medical information
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