Pollyanna waves the pom-poms

I have been accused of many things in my life . . . but none so on target as . . . (gulp) . . . an optimist . . .

YIKES . . . a rare breed, these days. What with the economic down turn, the violence in the world, the price of . . . → Read More: Pollyanna waves the pom-poms

Managing the munchies–a typical problem with the atypicals

Are there people out there who have been on Abilify for awhile (3 months to several years) who continue to have an increased appetite from it? Or does this side effect eventually stabilize and no longer be a part of daily life?

I am trying to be patient with being on Abilify b/c I think . . . → Read More: Managing the munchies–a typical problem with the atypicals

My Vacation Book Report . . . What I've Learned

Vacation is always about relaxing and getting away. Right???? Finding the time to renew your soul and making yourself ready to get back in the trenches and fight anew. The trick, of course, is holding on to some of that sense of self . . . your relaxed self . . . so that the . . . → Read More: My Vacation Book Report . . . What I've Learned

Alcohol and Klonopin . . . decision time

I have been putting this off for a while. I have a nice lady who lives in difficult circumstance. She has struggled with addictions most of her life, whether it is food, drugs, and now, alcohol. Both her circumstance and her biology lead her to be tremendously anxious, depressed and to have mood swings that . . . → Read More: Alcohol and Klonopin . . . decision time

Chronic suicidal thoughts . . . to be or not to be . . .

The presence of chronic suicidal thoughts is one of the more difficult issues to deal with in psychiatry. It is one of the issues that separates psychiatry from all other branches of medicine. When patients see my colleagues, they want to get better. Sometimes, when patients see me . . . they just want to . . . → Read More: Chronic suicidal thoughts . . . to be or not to be . . .

A mid-year assessment . . . a new start

So here we are folks . . . half way through the year! Here in the northern hemisphere, the sun is high in the sky and hot hot hot. The roads are clearer on the morning’s ride to work with people taking off and schools closed. I’ve taken a little time off and hope to . . . → Read More: A mid-year assessment . . . a new start

On being a human being

I started writing this entry months and months ago after a conversation with one of my long time patients. She was referring to her husband’s tendency to . . . do, do, do, do, do . . . and to have great difficulty getting him to settle down and just . . . be. I . . . → Read More: On being a human being