Don’t Be Fooled By The Packaging . . . Or The Marketing!!!

I fielded a call from a patient, complaining that I wrote XL instead of SR after my prescription for Wellbutrin. My bad. She is on the SR and not the XL. A quick call to the pharmacy and the problem was solved. But, was it a problem in the first place? For a small minority . . . → Read More: Don’t Be Fooled By The Packaging . . . Or The Marketing!!!

Is It Worth It To Stop Your Medicine? . . . Only Time Will Tell

I have finally reached a situationally stable period of time in my life, and asked my Dr about reducing my meds. I was taking so many – 300 mg Buproprion, 1500 mg Valproic Acid, 600 mg Carbamazepine, 1 mg Clonazepam, 600 mg Seroquel, and 200 mg Lamotrigine. Ee gad! I have been diagnosed Schizoaffective,or . . . → Read More: Is It Worth It To Stop Your Medicine? . . . Only Time Will Tell

Accurately Diagnosing ADHD–Using The Quotient ADHD Testing System to Avoid Unnecessary Exposure to Medicine

The ambiguity of psychiatric diagnosis does not make anything easy. Especially when there is a complicated mish-mosh of symptoms that easily fit into more than one diagnostic category. And, you ARE allowed to have more than one psychiatric diagnosis. But how can I be sure that a child who presents with ADHD symptoms . . . and anxiety, and depression, and a complicated home life, and a complicated school picture . . . actually has ADHD and that the “ADHD symptoms” are not just a result of the other stuff????? . . . → Read More: Accurately Diagnosing ADHD–Using The Quotient ADHD Testing System to Avoid Unnecessary Exposure to Medicine

Vyvanse For Young Patients–Give ’em a Break???

Anne writes in with a common worry:

I have a 7 year old son that has just received a diagnosis of adhd (combined type). we adopted him when he was 4 years old. our psychiatrist has said that she feels that his severe adhd and pattern of his other behaviours are typical of someone with . . . → Read More: Vyvanse For Young Patients–Give ’em a Break???

Paddling Upstream . . . Figuring Out The Role Of TMS In The Treatment Of Major Depression

Whenever a new medication or new technology hits the market, there is always a learning curve for both the public and for practicing physicians. Tempering the excitement about receiving/delivering help with a dose of skepticism is healthy. It keeps the public and physicians from being bamboozled by snake oil salesmen. That is the whole idea . . . → Read More: Paddling Upstream . . . Figuring Out The Role Of TMS In The Treatment Of Major Depression

Patience . . . Patients . . . Stay On Your Medicine Till You Talk To Your Doctor . . . PLEASE!!!

Getting started on medicine is a relatively easy decision. When folks come in to see me, things are not going well. Be it depression or anxiety or an out of control kid who is going to fail third grade, they want help . . . like NOW. I will be the first to admit that . . . → Read More: Patience . . . Patients . . . Stay On Your Medicine Till You Talk To Your Doctor . . . PLEASE!!!

DSM-V: Reshuffling The Bipolar Criteria And The Emergence Of A New Disorder

I got an email from the Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation recently letting me know that the committee that is looking at revamping the DSM criteria for the next edition is looking at adding a diagnostic category called “Temper Dysregulation Disorder with Dysphoria (TDD). The purpose of the email was to dispel the rumors that . . . → Read More: DSM-V: Reshuffling The Bipolar Criteria And The Emergence Of A New Disorder

Mood Instability . . . PMDD or Bipolar Disorder . . . Or Both?

I am a 29 yo mother and was diagnosed as being bipolar at approximately 25 yo. I have taken a variety of medications(lamicatal, fluoxetine, topamax, lithium) and respond but i have always had “flare-ups” of exaggerated moodiness(rage, sadness, etc) about 2 weeks before my period. Since I have been married my husband has been able . . . → Read More: Mood Instability . . . PMDD or Bipolar Disorder . . . Or Both?

So Where Has The Doctor Been??? . . . Some Personal Reflections on Depression, Health and Life In General

I had a few responses to my blarticle on providing TMS to patients in the Philadelphia area. I actually thought there would be more . . . but articles on Vyvanse, Klonopin and Lamictal reign supreme . . . more on that another time. Let’s start with two viewpoints and then I will get personal . . . → Read More: So Where Has The Doctor Been??? . . . Some Personal Reflections on Depression, Health and Life In General

Generic Woes, Anxiety Shows and Sarcastic Doctor Blows

I am a 23 year old male, am currently on Adderal XR 30Mg bid, Xanax 1Mg bid, and Remeron at bedtime. I have been on Adderal XR for five years. (at 60mg) The last few months the pharmacy has given me (unbeknownst to me) generic adderal XR, and I noticed (without knowing it wasn’t the . . . → Read More: Generic Woes, Anxiety Shows and Sarcastic Doctor Blows