Vyvanse was helping depression . . . now . . . aggravating mania?

James writes in to say . . .

I started having panic attacks and was very unsociable and kept to myself,all this started about 10 years ago. The doctors diagnosed me as bipolor,i’ve been on every med available for bipolar with no positive results. Last december my doc decided to try me on 20 mg . . . → Read More: Vyvanse was helping depression . . . now . . . aggravating mania?

Ak-ak-ak-ak-akathesia . . .the trouble with Abilify

Now . . . don’t get me wrong . . . I am a big fan of Abilify. Even if their over the top marketing binge is so financially disgusting to me that I want to reflexively run screaming into the night. I mean, really, how many prime time advertisements for this product do . . . → Read More: Ak-ak-ak-ak-akathesia . . .the trouble with Abilify

Dealing with the unsupportive partner . . .

I have had a rash of patients (a gaggle of patients . . . ?) who have had great difficulties with their significant others . . . ok . . . ok . . . all the patients are female and they are referring to their generally bull headed and unsympathetic husbands. I will admit . . . → Read More: Dealing with the unsupportive partner . . .

Zombie children . . . what is the goal when stabilizing mood?

I can’t begin to tell you how often this issue has walked into my office. A kid and family who have struggled with symptoms goes to her doctor to discuss the pro’s and con’s of the current regimen and nothing is changed. Are her symptoms gone . . . no. Are there concerning side effects . . . → Read More: Zombie children . . . what is the goal when stabilizing mood?

On being a human being

I started writing this entry months and months ago after a conversation with one of my long time patients. She was referring to her husband’s tendency to . . . do, do, do, do, do . . . and to have great difficulty getting him to settle down and just . . . be. I . . . → Read More: On being a human being

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road . . .

I want to pass along a thank-you to all who have written in recently on the use of nutrition and life-style changes to address psychiatric issues (esp depression/anxiety/anger). I find myself a bit overwhelmed with the volume of information that is available out there. My intent is to critically look at as much of this . . . → Read More: Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road . . .

Bipolar Disorder in Adolescents–The good doctor was WRONG

I put the following up because of how many important messages it sends to me, to patients and to parents . . .

I was a patient of yours 5-6 years ago when I was between the ages of 14-16. I was quickly diagnosed with bipolar disorder and prescribed pills (first depakote then, after . . . → Read More: Bipolar Disorder in Adolescents–The good doctor was WRONG

ADHD–a good excuse or a reason to take responsibility?

ADHD presents special challenges to both the kid that has it and to his or her parents. Being the parent of a typical kid these days is challenging enough. When you throw in the distractibility, impulsivity and academic struggles that come with ADHD, it can magnify other issues that are hard all by themselves (like . . . → Read More: ADHD–a good excuse or a reason to take responsibility?

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

When well meaning advocates for kids with mental health issues speak of “labeling” a kid . . . one of the “labels” that they talk about is Oppositional Defiant Disorder, aka ODD. This is an issue that goes way back to when the disorder was first characterized and diagnostic criteria were formalized. The criteria for . . . → Read More: Oppositional Defiant Disorder

School Violence (Part I)–a plea to parents

I am the parent of a ninth grader. I have had two others go through our local high school. I am hoping my youngest will make it through alive. I’m asking for your help. For my child, and the children of all the other kids in the school. And the teachers. And the custodians. And . . . → Read More: School Violence (Part I)–a plea to parents